Python 2.0b1 is released!

Charles Hixson charleshixsn at
Tue Sep 12 13:07:39 EDT 2000

No.  The point of the GPL is that derived works will also be
GPL.  A program written in a language isn't a derived work.  A
new version of the language is.  IANAL.  The sticky part comes
with the libraries.  If a program links to the libraries, then
is it derived?  Does it matter whether it is statically linked
or dynamically linked?  Various folk have various opinions about
this, and it is one reason that the LGPL was created.  I don't
know what the answer is or should be.

Emile van Sebille wrote:

> "Tim Peters" <tim_one at> wrote in message
> >
> > The FSF would have to take action against someone who
> links Python with
> > GPL'ed code and makes the result available to others.
> I've obviously misunderstood something along the way, but
> isn't the point
> of GPL'd code in part to "infect" contributed, linked and
> derived code such that the result be made available to
> others?  Yet this is what would happen with python, and
> they'd have to take action?
> > "Action" needn't be
> > legal, and indeed hasn't been yet, although it's *based*
> on legalities.
> > They can't just let it slide:  the GPL is FSF's core tool,
> so they can't
> > afford to let anyone thumb their nose at it.  Their
> disagreement now is with
> > CNRI; if it's not resolved, their *fight* will be with
> Python programmers
> > who take CNRI's side.
> From a practical legal perspective, isn't it that anyone can
> download any of the variously licensed open source software
> and use them in any way for their own or company use *other
> than re-distribution*?
> Sigh, It's beyond me.  ;-)
> We-know-what-you-are-now-we're-talking-price-ly y'rs,
> --
> Emile van Sebille
> emile at
> -------------------

-- (c) Charles Hixson
--  Addition of advertisements or hyperlinks to products
specifically prohibited

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