MicroThread (uthread) queue

Chris Armstrong punck at PenguinMints.cx
Sun Sep 17 11:39:07 EDT 2000

Hey all, I'm messing around with Stackless and MicroThreads, and I'm ponderring
the best way to set up a queue system with them. There's one main
queue, and I'd like to be able to say 'maintain X threads running concurrently',
but the problem is the way the uthread API works - you have to set up however
many functions you want to run all at the same time, and then run them all - 
the uthread.run() function blocks until _all_ the threads are finished. This is
a problem, since some of my functions might block for a minute or so, while
others will only take about a second. Thanks for any suggestions :)

Chris Armstrong          http://www.penguinmints.cx     punck at PenguinMints.cx
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