Python 2.0b1 is released!

Moshe Zadka moshez at
Thu Sep 7 08:01:41 EDT 2000

On 7 Sep 2000, Mark Jackson wrote:

> What is the outlook for "2.0 batteries included?"  The PEP is not very
> helpful, but may be out of date.

The PEP is not out of date! It is, however, still in draft status.
Let me just paint a rough time framework: I hope PAL will be released as 
an add-on near the 2.0final release, and shortly after that, if there will
not be gaping problems, the Sumo interpreter (i.e., Python core+PAL) 
will be released. Also, please realize this is a UNIX-centric PEP right
now. If someone with a good windows background wants to work on a windows
version, please contact me.

Moshe Zadka <moshez at>
There is no IGLU cabal.

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