Newbie Tkinter: how to quit window? (Win98, IDLE, Python 2.0b)

Kirby Urner urner at
Thu Sep 21 11:59:02 EDT 2000

Kirby Urner <urner at> wrote:

>This doesn't seem to be the behavior documented in
>Tkinter class, which says quit method will cause all
>widgets to be destroyed.

I should add that pressing the Quit button a second
time (after getting the IDLE prompt back on the first),
closes IDLE/Python altogether.

I'm thinking this behavior (of command=root.quit not
closing the window) has to do with starting Tk.mainloop()
from within IDLE (itself a Tk application).  Given IDLE
is where I'd like younger school students to operate,
having a 'Quit' button that closes the window (doesn't
stick around inviting a 2nd click) is the behavior I


># simple graphing --
># doesn't actually graph anything yet -- just testing 
># window behavior 
>from Tkinter import *
>def drawgraph():
>    root = Tk()
>    canvas = Canvas(root,height=400,width=400, bg='white')
>    canvas.pack()
>    Button(root,text='Quit',command=root.quit).pack()
>    root.mainloop()

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