The Singing Snake ( Distributed Music System in Python )

Krisss kmbotha at
Wed Apr 11 01:50:19 EDT 2001

I'm a student at UBC (University of British Columbia). Please feel
free to comment on my group's programming project - a distributed
music system.

Features include:

* Graphical client and server interface through which to browse songs,
express preferences, administer users/computers
* DJ that selects songs to be aired in accordance with everyone's
listeining preferences (and user-supplied parameters)
* Ability to set listening permissions among users (cater for fair use
 * Support for WAV, MP3, AU, AIFF, CSL (via Snack TCL module)
* etc.

Checkout sample User Documentation for an idea of how it looks / what
it does:

        Kris Botha

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