Idiom gone, or did it really ever exist? () is ()

Stephen news at
Wed Apr 18 15:39:01 EDT 2001

    I _really_ just don't get why you're going through all the trouble.
IMHO the below looks cleaner, and works, and can't possibly be considered
evil. :)

def fun(*args):
    if args == ((),):
        print 'We passed an empty tuple'
    elif args == ():
        print 'We didn't pass any arguments'
        print 'We passed the following arguments:' % args

(replace 'NOSPAM' with 'seraph' to respond in email)
"Mike C. Fletcher" <mcfletch at> wrote in message
news:mailman.987608307.19862.python-list at
> Yup, I mentioned that in the original article ;) (same with the *args,
> **namedargs approaches).  I actually switched to using this:
> class NULLARGUMENT: pass
> Then I use the class as the default value for is-checking.
> Which I'm told is evil :) .
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Martelli [mailto:aleaxit at]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 07:01
> To: python-list at
> Subject: Re: Idiom gone, or did it really ever exist? () is ()
> ...
> Why not
>     _NULL = []
> and then
>     def x(y=_NULL):
>         if y is _NULL: print "no argument"
> i.e., your original trick, but with a _mutable_ object.  This
> way it should keep working forever, I believe.
> ...

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