MySQSLdb: just guessing

Albert Wagner alwagner at
Tue Apr 24 22:48:31 EDT 2001

I can find no docs for MySQLdb, so I am just guessing how to get going.  I 
got this far by trial and error:

>>> import _mysql
>>> from _mysql import *
>>> connection = connect('myhostname', 'mypassword')

It apparently makes some kind of connection 'cause it gave no error, but it 
gives an attribute error on 

>>> connection.cursor()

I need to know the args to connect().  The above is all it will accept 
without error, but there is no dsn.  It didn't like dsn and password as 
keywords, per the db2-api.  Anything at all will be really helpful.  Thanks 
ahead for any advice.

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