Python & TKInter applets

Robert Johnson rjohnson at
Thu Apr 12 02:49:27 EDT 2001

> Python, with a suitable installation, can use ActiveX (through various
> means, but the best and most flexible way is through Internet Explorer,
> a highly-reusable collection of excellent components) *on Windows
> platforms* -- this doesn't help you if you want your applications to
> be used on NON-Windows platform.
> What platforms, exactly, do you want to target?  Why does your app
> need to be a "web" one (DOES it)?  Why does it need to be client-side
> (DOES it)?
> If the answers are 'all platforms', MUST be web-based e.g to allow
> it being updated at any time, it must be client-side e.g. to leave
> the server with a light load, then I think the ONLY answer you can
> try is the JVM -- as least as a plug-in, it's available for most
> browsers, and Python can run on reasonably-updated versions of it
> (see  Tkinter cannot run on the JVM -- it can only
> run natively on the various different platforms; you will have to
> use Java-classes for your GUI's -- awt, swing, whatever.
I think that Java might be the only option.  I doubt I would run into many
Macs as the target would be scientists who would more than likely use
Windows or Unix/Linux boxes.  Plus, about half our customers are Europe/Asia
and I don't believe Mac has much foothold there.   But the fact that they
may use Unix/Linux would seem to suggest a Java solution.

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