Komodo in violation of Mozilla Public License?

Chris Watson chris at voodooland.net
Thu Apr 12 08:30:45 EDT 2001

Hash: SHA1

> The reason I suggested the GPL is that it might fit ActiveState's
> purposes because another company couldn't put ActiveState's code
> in a proprietary, competing product, and not share their changes
> with ActiveState.

Personally, again I fail to see the point of releasing open source if you
dont want *everyone* to benefit. Otherwise just dont do it.

> >> I personally have no problems with Komodo being released on a
> >> non- Open Source license.
> >
> >Me either. It's there work. Glad you think they they have the right to use
> >their work as they see fit. :-)
> Even if they want to GPL it?

Even if they GPL it. It is *their* code. They can do whatever they want
with it. And license it how they see fit. But cutting off youre nose to
spite your face and using the GPL is not how I obviously like to see code
open sourced. But of course it is their choice.

- -Chris Watson         (316) 326-3862 | FreeBSD Consultant, FreeBSD Geek
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