MIME/Base64 oddities

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Wed Apr 18 17:00:34 EDT 2001

>>>>> "DG" == David Given <dg at pearl.tao.co.uk> writes:

    DG> I'm using MIMElib and base64lib to decode mail archives, and
    DG> I'm finding what I suspect are bugs. In particular:

I'm not terribly surprised.  mimelib is alpha-ish software, and I've
got some patches on my personal CVS server that I haven't released
yet.  I've just applied for an SF project named "mimelib" so if
approved, I'll be moving the code to a more public place (until and if
it ever becomes part of Python's standard library).

    DG> * On some base64 blocks, base64lib gives me `Incorrect
    DG> Padding' exceptions.

    DG> * On some messages, mimelib bails out with `illegal argument
    DG> type for built-in operation' errors in section_divider. On
    DG> others, in particular mailer daemon multipart messages, it
    DG> keeps handing me the same attachment indefinitely.

    DG> I can provide sample messages that cause both of these errors;
    DG> it's completely reproducable. Has anyone encountered anything
    DG> like this before?  Who wrote these modules? Are there any
    DG> known bugfixes?

I wrote mimelib, 'natch.  Please send sample messages directly to me
and I'll run them through my current code base.  Also, let me know if
it's okay to add them to a PyUnit-based test suite that I'm going to
(eventually) add.


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