Class Methods

William Tanksley wtanksle at
Fri Apr 20 22:11:25 EDT 2001

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:34:08 -0600, Rainer Deyke wrote:

>I consider classes/instances a special case of namespaces: one which allows
>(multiple) instantiation and inheritance.

Sounds reasonable.  BTW, have you checked out the way Sather handles
importation versus inheritance?

>operator overloading?  Don't name your function '__add__' then.").  The
>resulting programming language might look something like this:

>namespace A: # Create a named unique object
>  pass
>namespace B(A): # Similar to 'from ... import', but done through linking
>                # instead of copying
>class C(A): # 'class' = namespace that requires/supports instantiation
>            # class inherits from namespace => functions in namespace
>            # are treated as "static" functions
>  pass
>namespace D(C()): # namespace inherits from instance of class
>  pass

Mine would look similar, except that in addition to Python's inheritance

   namespace C(A):

I'd also provide a Sather interface operator and a Sather import operator:

   namespace C<A>:
      from <A> import *

(Using a Sather interface AND a Sather from...import* adds up to the same
thing as using a Python inheretance; the difference is when you use
specific Sather imports to get exactly what you want.)

>Rainer Deyke (root at

-William "Billy" Tanksley

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