Deleting dictionary items

Patricia Hawkins phawkins at
Thu Apr 5 23:15:15 EDT 2001

>>>>> "WN" == Will Newton <will at> writes:

WN> What's the best way to delete dictionary items?

WN> I have a dictionary with tuples as keys, and I would like to delete all 
WN> keys with a certain element. First I wrote:

WN>                 for item in
WN>                         if item[attr] != value:
WN>                                 del[item]

WN> But will this work?

Your code contradicts your text (do you mean "with a certain element",
or != value?)  so it's hard to tell what you want.  But this code
snippet is really easy to play with -- why don't you fire up a python
interpreter and see what it does? 

Patricia J. Hawkins
Hawkins Internet Applications, LLC

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