[ANNOUNCE] Umbra role-playing game 0.2 pre-alpha

Calishar calisha at *SPAMFREE*.home.com
Tue Apr 17 20:48:00 EDT 2001

On 17 Apr 2001 19:33:33 GMT, kamikaze at kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu (Mark
'Kamikaze' Hughes) wrote:

<typo in next line fixed>
>>P.s. Sorry, but the uncontrollable, eternal sound file is a major
>>hot-button of mine
>  I agree, it's a major hot-button of mine, too.  That's why I did it -
>allowing it in a browser is wrong.  Don't shoot the messenger, bitch at
>Microsoft.  |+)

Yes, yet another wonderful innovation from the company that gave us
all Bob. unfortunately I don't think that the fact they let you do it,
makes it better for you to do it. In fact, since you say that you now
it's wrong, and you went ahead and did it, that seems to make you
further in the wrong.

Sorry for venting on you this morning, I just found I am suffering
from withdrawal from the quit-smoking medication (combined with
Nicotine withdrawal).

I won;t try to convince you to stop using that sound file on other
pages but when you invite people to come see one of your pages, does
it make sense to have a sound file that is going to make some of them
panic, some of them freak, and just totally turn some of them away
from what you are working on.

>  (or, as Fred Lundh said, hit "stop" once the page loads...)

Yet another gripe to Microsoft is the fact that the damned browser
gives no indication that it is doing anything.


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