Python and Java Compared?

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Tue Apr 3 15:20:43 EDT 2001

"Dry Ice" <nomail at> wrote in message
news:3aca143c_2 at
> [...]
> Observations greatly appreciated.
> > If you need/want to run in browsers, use jython to generate Java
> > bytecodes from your Python source and pack it up in a jar.
> >
> How about applet production?  Possible with Jython?

Piece of cake -- see

Alas, there _is_ a 200K library to be downloaded -- which may
make it impractical if you're targeting users with moderately
slow modem connections and/or short attention spans -- but,
in exchange, a 'hello world' applet source is as small as:

from java.applet import Applet

class HelloWorld(Applet):
    def paint(self, g):
        g.drawString("Hello from Jython!" 20, 30)


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