do...until wisdom found...
Ken Peek
Peek at LVCM.comNOSPAM
Tue Apr 17 11:38:43 EDT 2001
heh heh-- maybe "Medusa"?
"Alex Martelli" <aleaxit at> wrote in message
news:9bh5e502rf3 at
> "Ken Peek" <Peek at LVCM.comNOSPAM> wrote in message
> news:tdnn3dfi4h0m98 at
> [snip]
> > while(1):
> Note that these parentheses are totally redundant.
> > Some people have suggested that "loop:" is a much better keyword than
> "do:".
> > Now I am wondering if they are right-- maybe so. I will have to think
> about
> > that some more-- maybe "loop:" IS more readable (by a programming newbie)
> than
> > "do:"... hmmm....
> It's not an issue of "readable" -- any short English word is readable,
> but does it suggest what's going on when one does read it? "DO" is just
> about the least informative verb in the English language ("BE" is often
> DIS-informative, cfr Korzybski, but that's another issue). "LOOP" is
> very clear and informative. What's that gotta do with newbieness?!
> > Can anybody think of a good name for a "Python-like" new language for
> small
> > embedded processors?
> > Let's see-- "tinyPython"? nope-- has "Python" in it-- might make Guido
> mad.
> It would be silly to add the adjective "tiny" for a language which
> aims to be fatter (e.g. by adding multiple redundant loop forms).
> > Hmmm, maybe "Dragon"? Probably used by someone else? Hmmm... maybe ???
> """
> [Nouns] oracle; prophet, seer, soothsayer, augur, fortune teller, witch,
> geomancer,
> aruspex; aruspice, haruspice; haruspex; Sibyl; Python, Pythoness; Pythia;
> Pythian
> oracle, Delphian oracle; Monitor, Sphinx, Tiresias, Cassandra, Sibylline
> leaves;
> Zadkiel, Old Moore; sorcerer [more]; interpreter [more].
> """
> My favourite suggestions out of this list are Soothsayer, Haruspice
> and Zadkiel. "Prognosticator" is another similar suggestion.
> If you prefer the reptilian fold rather than the prophethical one,
> suitably obscure names could be Woma, Chondro, Liasis, Dumeril,
> Chandoia, Charina, Corallus, Epicrates, Lichanura, Tropidophis
> (I'm not 100% sure of the spellings -- checking is advised!).
> If you prefer the British TV Comedy fold (which is the one Python
> actually happens to come from), "Fawlty Towers" is one possibility.
> But I'll leave this part to people more familiar than me with
> recent British TV Comedy. Let's just note that "Mr Bean" should
> not be used here, since it's such a natural for some Jython
> Javabean related framework!
> Alex
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