BLT installation woes under W98 (Python 2.1)

Kevin Rodgers kevinmrodgers at
Tue Apr 24 20:16:26 EDT 2001

"Peter Brown" <phbrown at> wrote in message
news:wkzod7gx1v.fsf at
> seen people ask about BLT, anyway).  Is there a known way to install
> BLT into the Tcl directory structure under C:\Python21?  Should I be
> compiling BLT and/or Tcl from scratch?  If so, how would I tell Python
> to use the Tcl I just made, not the Tcl it came with?
Here's how I did it:
* Install Python
* Install Tcl/Tk 8.3.whatever using installer from Scriptics (or wherever it
is now)
* Install BLT 2.4u from its installer
* Copy the "blt2.4" directory from the Tcl/Tk install to the python21\tcl
directory; I copied the BLT .lib files too (although I don't know if they're
* Put the BLT DLLs in a system directory (windows\system, say); I've never
had any luck with putting the DLLs in the Python DLL directory

That (or something like it) should work; unfortunately, I'm not at the
machine I did this on, so I may be a little off on some of the steps.

good luck!

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