What an April Fool =:-)
Larry Smith
larry at smith-house.org
Tue Apr 3 21:03:02 EDT 2001
Dan Sugalski wrote:
> Kemp Randy-W18971 <Randy.L.Kemp at motorola.com> wrote:
> > Is that the announce where you by a Perl book, and they throw in a free
> > parrot? Or is it the other way around?
> Nope, the announcement of Parrot itself.
Just a moment, Sir! This parrot is stone dead!
'E's passed on! This parrot is _no_ _more_! He
has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet
'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests
in peace! If you hadn't posted that foolish april
fool's joke 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is
metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the
twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off
'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined
the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!
...as opposed to an ex-Perot, if I might be permitted
to mix my references...
.-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-. | Do not mistake my cynicism
| |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / | for dispair for deep inside
`----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' | me is an optimist forever
http://www.smith-house.org/ | asking, "Why not?"
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