pwd module vs Linux shadow passwords

Timothy Grant tjg at
Tue Apr 3 16:45:10 EDT 2001

I just faced the same issue, and so wrote my own version of the
pwd module that returned all the other relevant information in
the shadow file.

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 12:50:37PM -0700, John W. Baxter wrote:
> Using Python 1.5.2 (and earlier) on BSDi, the pwd module's getpw...
> functions are able to retrieve the encrypted password (from
> /etc/master.passwd) if run as root.
> Using Python 1.5.2 and 2.1b1 on Linux (RH 6.2), the functions do not
> similarly dig the encrypted password out of /etc/shadow.

Stand Fast,

Timothy Grant                         tjg at
Chief Technology Officer    
HyperLINq Technologies, Inc.          <><       (503) 246-3630
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