Komodo in violation of Mozilla Public License?

Chris Watson chris at voodooland.net
Wed Apr 11 10:57:20 EDT 2001

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> >   Komodo is not Open Source or Free Software, true.

> Avoiding lock-in needn't prevent a software company from gaining
> revenue from the sale-value of their software; a time-deleyed oepn
> source license allows both criteria to sit comfortably. Have
> ActiveState considered that for Komodo, e.g. a license that releases
> the current Komodo code as GPL (or some other license) in, say,
> 3 years' time?

Absolutley not! Active State can do what EVER they want it is their code.
Of course. But I would be shocked in horror to see them use the GPL to
release it after n ammount of years. The GPL and variants might be fine
for people who have an "agenda". But it is not a license that promotes
free use of its code. And since I think we just established that a work
put out into the public under the BSDL, or public domain is *impossible*
to close up or remove off the planet, there is no reason not to use
either. Unless of course like I said you have an agenda, or are not
interested in helping others with freely useable code.

> I personally have no problems with Komodo being released on a
> non- Open Source license.

Me either. It's there work. Glad you think they they have the right to use
their work as they see fit. :-)

- -Chris Watson         (316) 326-3862 | FreeBSD Consultant, FreeBSD Geek
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