list vs tuple

deadmeat root at []
Sun Apr 1 09:49:46 EDT 2001

> done lots of Python training lately?  in my experience, *everyone*
> can understand Python's object model in about five minutes.

Do the first 5 minutes of the tutorial mention this? No.. so the newcomer to
Python will go off thinking one thing, and not know any better until s/he
gets to the relevant section.

> because you're smarter than everyone else

I don't ever claim such.. what I am saying is that one learns a certain
method early on, namely that a = b copies b to a.  This is not so in Python,
and the tutorial breezes by this little detail as if one really could reset
thy brain.

It's all nice and easy once Python is learned, but who reads the entire
documentation before typing a single character?  Nobody.  With an
interpreter in one hand, and the documentation in another, the programmer is
encouraged to read some, then play with what is learned.  Only after the
programmer has experiemented is he then told what he just 'learned' about
Python is wrong, and here's the real story.

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