ANN: mxNumber -- Experimental Number Types, Version 0.2.0

Brian Kelley kelley at
Fri Apr 27 14:56:34 EDT 2001

I have taken the opportunity to expose a couple of Integer methods

Integer.popcount() - number of bits set
Integer.setbit(bit) - set the bit indicated by bit
Integer.clrbit(bit) - set the bit indicated by bit

These are very useful for Aritificial Intelligence/feature vector algorithms.  Is
there any other desire to see these types of functions exposed?  I would be happy to
send a patch although it's only 3 minutes of work to do...

The other question I have is about pickling:  I noticed that the pickled structures
use a string to determine the "long" representation.  This is somewhat wasteful for
storage considerations.  Is there any chance for a compressed version of the long
representation?  I would be more than happy to look into this, I just don't know if
it is feasible.

Brian Kelley

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