how to avoid importing the same module more than once?

Ixokai noone at
Tue Apr 10 04:11:48 EDT 2001

When Python encounters 'import foo', it first checks in sys.modules to see
if 'foo' has already been imported. If so, it basically just does the

foo = sys.modules['foo']

You have to do that anyways, so that you'll have 'foo' to access in your
module... so there really is no problem with importing a module more
then once, the work only gets done once, and every other occassion
is just binding a name to the already loaded module.

(replace NOSPAM with 'seraph' to respond via email)

"Graham Guttocks" <graham_guttocks at> wrote in message
news:mailman.986854093.6675.python-list at
> Greetings,
> When breaking up a large program into several different modules, I'm
> wondering if there is any way to avoid importing the same global modules
> more than once, as I'm sure this is degrading performance.
> For example, if I have a program which uses the "os" built-in module
> and imports two custom modules which also use "os", then I end up
> running "import os" three times!
> Regards,
> Graham
> - Yahoo! Movies
> - Now showing: Dude Where's My Car, The Wedding Planner, Traffic..

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