Python Interpreter Reentrancy?

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Sun Apr 22 20:34:04 EDT 2001

In article <987981537.217789 at>,
Dave Kuhlman  <dkuhlman at> wrote:
>PyWX for AOLServer makes for an interesting comparison and is
>fancier still.  PyWX gives you a (configuration) choice between (1)
>multiple Python interpreters, (2) reusing interpreters (from a pool
>of sub-interpreters), and (3) running scripts in separate threads
>within a single Python interpreter.  I apologize if I'm confusing
>things a bit here. I'm still attempting to learn this myself.

Option (1) was the one that I wasn't aware had been done in practice.
                      --- Aahz  <*>  (Copyright 2001 by aahz at

Androgynous poly kinky vanilla queer het Pythonista
Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6

"...some experts might say a C++ program is not object-oriented without
inheritance and virtual functions.  As one of the early Smalltalk
implementors myself, I can say they are full of themselves." --zconcept

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