Formatting RFC 822 date

Carey Evans careye at
Sun Apr 8 00:17:00 EDT 2001

Ben Hutchings <ben.hutchings at> writes:


> The minute digits of the time offset weren't included just for fun;
> there really are zones that aren't offset by a whole number of hours.
> How about this instead:
>     def zone822(dst):
>         offs = (0, time.timezone, time.altzone)[1 + dst]
>         return '%s%02d%02d' % ("+-"[offs >= 0],
>                                abs(offs) / 3600,
>                                (abs(offs) / 60) % 60)

Oops - I should have remembered that, especially since there's one of
those locations offshore from me here.

I also wonder now about the output when the dst flag is -1, since it's
not exactly clear when that will happen.  Maybe something like this
would be better:

    def zone822(dst):
        offs = (time.timezone, time.timezone, time.altzone)[1 + dst]
        return '%+.2d%.2d' % (offs / -3600, abs(offs / 60) % 60)

	 Carey Evans

	    "Quiet, you'll miss the humorous conclusion."

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