Python + Borland - msvcrt = grr.

Paolo Invernizzi paoloinvernizzi at
Tue Apr 24 03:45:38 EDT 2001

> A) Under any decently optimizing compiler, it's not more efficient.

Here you are right. My fault.

> B) To shut up bogus use-before-def warnings from dumber compilers (and
>    we *never* want to disable use-before-def warnings).

Here you are right... sometimes someone have to write code and deal with
dumb compilers

> C) Because sometimes code is very complex, and under *modification*
>    it's very easy to miss a new path in the code in which a local
>    vrbl is suddenly not defined before use.  This isn't a nuisance
>    in C, it's a disaster.  Initializing vrbls in complex C code is
>    basic defensive coding practice.

> ...  You can do whatever you like in *your* code,
> but in the *Python* code base we try not to push compilers to their
> let alone readers' brains beyond them <wink>.

I accept your reason, primarly thinking of person with dumb compilers...
only one more question. The smart compiler now cannot help in this?
Cannot be a use-before-def warnings warn of a smart compiler a better way to
find a new path instead of writing a lot of test for null value of a
To push the compilers to their limits is just a build problem, no?
I simply write too few C code for being an experienced C writer, so It's
only my last curiosity (as I think I'm going a little OT ;)

Paolo Invernizzi
paoloinvernizzi at

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