Tkinter and wxPython

Timothy Grant tjg at
Thu Apr 19 18:08:03 EDT 2001

Hi folks,

I have seen the GUI wars here, and have for the most part
ignored them. I am now in a situation where I need input.

We have a project that involves a simple GUI--at the moment--
that will be getting significantly more complex as the summer
goes on.

Before we get to far in the project I'm trying to consider my

Here's our analysis so far:

Defacto standard
Faster to code
Easier to layout complex screens
Proven (we know it works)

on the down side, it feels slow.

Looks significantly better
More robust widget set
feels faster
The author works two blocks away (Hi Robin!)

on the down side, it is unproven and is not the defacto

So, I'm looking for people that have changed projects from one
toolkit to the other and the reasons why they changed.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Stand Fast,

Timothy Grant                       
Chief Technology Officer                     tjg at 
HyperLINq Technologies, Inc.                <>< (503) 246-3630
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