Python-2.1 Debug libs zip is missing tcl &tk debug libs

Tim Peters at
Sun Apr 22 20:33:26 EDT 2001

[Kevin Rodgers]
> I'm working on embedding Python on Win32, and I just use the binary
> installer for Python.  But I don't use the Windows "debug" mode anyway;
> I'd have to build debug versions of Numeric, Tkinter, Tcl/Tk, BLT, ad
> nauseam.

Good for you!  That's the way to do it.

> Instead, I use the "release" project and change the settings so that it
> generates full debug information.  Since the errors I find during
> debugging are invariably in my code, not Python's, I don't need to
> trace into Python anyway.

Whew -- I guess we can cancel those plans to finish documenting the Python C
API, then <wink>.  Really, I step into Python source to see what the API
calls really do.  It's not always clear, in my experience.  But I guess as
one of the people crafting the illusion that Python works on Windows, I spend
more than my share of time stepping into MS's CRT libraries too.

> real-programmers-debug-using-print-statements-ly yr's-kevin

    a-button-with-a-"debug"-label-ly y'rs  - tim

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