win32com_garbage collection, another QTN

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Sun Apr 22 22:12:56 EDT 2001

zzzzz wrote:

> My problem is excel, and getting it to close properly:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> import win32com.client
> state=win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.application")
> state.Workbooks.Open("G:\\MH_State_Flow_7.xls")
> state.Visible=1

What goes in here is suspect :)

> ## read stuff from excel worksheet without modifying file
> state.Visible=0
> state.Quit()   # This is what was suggested to the previous QTN
> del state
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> According to what I've read, this sequence of quit commands should
> close excel (even without the .Quit command). To all appearances this
> is true, however, when I look at the task manager (I'm using NT4.0sp6)
> good old excel.exe is still running. The only way to close it cleanly
> (that I know of) is to close the interpreter.

  There is a good chance you still have a COM reference left alive. 
Check what pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount() returns, and if non-zero you 
have another reference - probably the document or worksheet object.


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