do...until wisdom needed...

Courageous jkraska1 at
Wed Apr 18 01:08:48 EDT 2001

>But libraries can act as embeded languages too.

Of course. For example, it would be quite possible for me to create
code like this in Stackless Python, if I desired:

	import JoesEvilPackage

	label = JoesEvilPackage.CreateLabel()

	print "looping infinitely..."

	JoesEvilPackage.GotoLabel (label)

At a guess, I could do this without Stackless on Unix systems with
blatant abuses of setjmp() and longjmp(). Easy access to C-language
primitives (read: "extending and embedding") are one of Python's
fortes, veritably one of the prime reasons PER SE which lead to the
birth of the language.

>"Extending" a language does not imply changing the semantics of the
>language that is already there --

Quite correct.

>I know one thing for sure: I know more about programming languages and
>programming language design than you do or ever will ...

Well, perhaps you're a bit of a prima donna, but you may very well
be right; I've observed over the years that the more exposure to
various languages one has, the less dogmatic one tends to be.

I hope you're not mistaking you interaction with this one person as
some kind of indication of the character of the Python community,
by the way: Pythoners tend to be fairly open minded, in general,
even if we do value simplicity to the point of being rather rabid about it.

Mr. Peters was quite right: the correct thing to do is submit a PEP.
Major bonus points if you grab the Python source and create a
patch which allows hygienic procedural macros for those who
would like to add this patch to their installation.


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