Can't run "Python-2.1.exe" under NT...

Robin Dunn robin at
Fri Apr 20 17:16:32 EDT 2001

> [Robin Dunn, on the Python-2.1.exe]
> > I had troubles with it too.  On my Win2k system it crashed the
> > 16-bit subsystem (don't remember the exact terms used in the error
> > message) and even though I told it to restart no 16-bit apps would
> > run until after I rebooted.
> More info!  Pretend *you're* on the receiving end of a bug report here
> <wink>.

Sorry, since it worked after I rebooted I didn't think of it so much as a
bug but perhaps something that was flaky on my system before.  (I was also
kinda surprisead that the installer was a 16-bit app...)  Besides, I was so
eager to play with it I promptly forgot about the problem until I read the
other post today.  I'll try to remember as best I can...

> Raw Win2K or with SP1?  Which flavor of Win2K (English, French, etc)?

SP1, also with most other updates from Windows Update as of a few weeks ago.
It's the English version, and a Dell OEM version as well (in case they did
anything to it.)  I removed Dell's original install and reinstalled myself
from their media.

> Were you logged on to an Administrator account?  Restricted account?  Etc.

The user is a member of the Administrators group.

> After you rebooted, did it work then?


> How far in the installation process did it get before crashing?

Just before the files started copying.  I think it froze when I clicked on
the final button before the install but I don't know if it froze as a result
of the click or if it was frozen already.

I was able to alt-tab to other apps, but when I came back to the installer
the dialog didn't repaint itself, although it could be moved with the mouse.

After a while Task Manager showed the app as "Not Responding" and a second
or two after I clicked the End Process button and confirmed that Yes, I want
to kill it I got the message about the 16-bit sub-system being corrupted or
crashed or something and did I want to restart it.

> Up until
> that point, and assuming you got far enough that this question makes
> did you accept the defaults or change something?  If the latter, which and
> what?

I changed the install directory to c:\Tools\Python21, as I always do.
Everything else was left alone.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at       Java give you jitters?      Relax with wxPython!

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