A few words about Python interfaces

Carlos Ribeiro cribeiro at mail.inet.com.br
Thu Apr 12 12:12:47 EDT 2001

At 23:11 11/04/01 -0700, Alex Shindich wrote:
>Lately, there has been a lot of talk about PEP 245(Python Interfaces).
>Curt and I wrote up a pattern to illustrate how interfaces are dealt
>with through the use of generics. I hope that many of you will find this
>article interesting, since Python supports generics naturally.
>The article can be found at

Nice article, Alex. It summarizes very well a lot of issues that some 
people (including you) brought up in the past weeks.

The fact is that Python already supports interfaces, at least in the format 
proposed by you.

The question is, do we need to add explicit support for interfaces to the 

In your example, interface definitions are handled by the documentation, 
not by the language. The XML snippet for interface definition was *exactly* 
the kind of thing that I have proposed in the earliest days of PEP 246 
(when it was called __query__). This can be done now, without any changes 
to the language. At best, we could supply a standard library to handle 
stuff related to the XML representation of interfaces. For instance, some 
helper functions to retrieve the documentation, given the URL, and to keep 
a cache of interface definitions. (A weak ref implementation could be handy 
for this).

On the other hand, interfaces could be handled by the language itself. You 
don't see any need to make it. There are some sources of concern here, and 
I would like you to clarify on these issues:

1) Interfaces are not absolutely needed, as you have shown. However, they 
could be handy, at least on principle. Do you think that code with 
*explicit* interfaces is going to be worse than "implied interfaces", by 
the folowing criteria:

- readability
- clarity

2) There is any functionality that is going to be lost if Python supports 
interfaces as part of the language? Do you think that it may break older code?

3) There is any new problem that the new interface proposal brings to 
Python, that is (a) unique to the interface proposal and (b) possible to 
avoid if we keep the language as is?

BTW, I liked the interfaces proposal, mainly because it is a standard way 
to specify interfaces. My main fear is that, by including interfaces as 
part of the language, we will be creating a completely new problem: 
versioning. This is my take for the question number (3) above. We may end 
up with dozens of 'almost compatible' interfaces for trivial things, with 
small differences that really dont matter, but that the interface checking 
*will* catch. Then we will end up (by PEP 246) coding monstrous adapters 
for endless combinations of interfaces. In some cases, the difference may 
be negligible for the code that we are running, but interface checking may 
not allow it to pass.

Carlos Ribeiro

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