function pointers

Elliott Chapin echapin at
Fri Apr 27 04:41:19 EDT 2001

"Functor" was apparently stolen from homological algebra - known as
"abstract nonsense" or "diagram chasing."



Elliott Chapin         http://
"Courageous" <jkraska1 at> wrote in message
news:90bhetcu10kn5otresb1dq65pps2vha6ii at
> >Indeed, being able to move around bound methods is one of the things
> >that impressed me most about Python.
> Yup. And for those of you not following the Evil Empire (tm),
> C-sharp has an analogous structure called a "delegate".
> This is an answer to the whole static-member-function-
> dispatch-to-non-static-member-function lunacy that crept
> into C++ as callbacks grew into favor. And it beats the hell
> out of those spurious lunatical functor objects as well. :)
> C//

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