string copy of a list
David Allen
mda at
Mon Apr 16 00:22:24 EDT 2001
In article <slrn9dk6ga.98l.warlock at gargoyle.myth>, "Jim Richardson"
<warlock at> wrote:
> I am stumped, str(listname) returns a string of list, but includes the
> commas and [] that the list would show if printed. I want a string copy of a
> list, is there a simple way I have missed? please? thanks
How about this:
list = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux']
import string
stringified = string.join(map(str, list), " ")
stringified is now 'foo bar baz quux'. You can of course change
the join parameter to whatever you want to use to join the fields together.
The reason that map(str, list) is needed is that the items in the list
may not be strings. You can't for example do this legally:
string.join([1,2,3,4], " ")
becuase those numbers aren't strings. So mapping the list with str fixes
that problem.
David Allen
"Practice random senselessness and act kind of beautiful." -- James Craig Burley
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