newbie question: Mod_python or php?

Hanna Joo hanna at
Wed Apr 4 01:03:48 EDT 2001

Hi. I have been playing around with php and so on, trying to set up simple
sites with database connections. Then I read about mod_python and downloaded
it. However, the manual, to me, was something close to hieroglyphs. Becase I
am quite new to programming and new to python, I would really appreciate
simple tutorials. At this moment I am leaning towards php as there is a lot
more support and documentation on php. Although the fact that I can code in
python is a great attraction, it seems rather complicated.

I would like to hear from people who have used mod_python whether they find
it better/nicer etc than php. (if they do I will try once again to plough
through the manual...;) If so, I would like to know whether there are more
reasons besides being able to code in python - speed, functions etc.


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