Know of Substantial Apps Written in Python?
Simon Brunning
SBrunning at
Thu Apr 12 05:49:33 EDT 2001
> From: Steve Holden [SMTP:sholden at]
> > Nope, you English sod, that was sarcasm, a uniquely American tradition.
> Well, being from Yorkshire, the only possible reply to that one is
> "bollocks". Sarcasm is the primary humor back home, and when I moved to
> the
> USA my use of it was interpreted as agression. I found Americans tended to
> dislike conversations along the lines of "I can't understand why my
> program
> doesn't work", "That's because you're as thick as a plank". I have since
> learned to handle the fragile American ego a little more gently :-)
FWIW, those of us from the south of England can find the typical
Yorkshireman's sense of humour a little, uh, brusque, too.
At least they know how to spell 'humour', though.
<Ducks and runs...>
Soft-southern-shandy-drinking-ly yr's
Simon B.
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