syntax-error with new Python 2.1 and and

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed Apr 18 11:42:17 EDT 2001

Georg Lohrer wrote:
> I've just compiled and run the new python 2.1 version successfully.
> But using the and scripts the same syntax-error
> will be raised in
>  import sys, socket, string, os, os.path, time, fnmatch, types
>    File "/home/gelo/lib/python2.1/", line 251
>        total += len(line)
>               ^
> I've tried several ways to cast out the failure, but it doesn't want
> to go. So, has anybody at moment have any experiences with this fault?
> Or does anybody know a way to eliminate it?

I strongly doubt Python said "I've tried several ways to cast out
the failure" ;-)

are you sure you didn't get a SyntaxError or some kind of warning?

Cheers /F

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