Does Python seem appropriate for me?

Douglas Alan nessus at
Sun Apr 22 14:05:55 EDT 2001

Courageous <jkraska1 at> writes:

> >the littlest things will drive you mad.  Trivial example:  say you use

> >    dir/s *.py

> >today to find all the .py files in the subtree rooted at the current
> >directory.  You're not going to *believe* the hoops you have to jump through
> >to get that done under a Unix shell instead.

> Find all .py files in the subtree at the current directory:

> % find . -name "*.py" -print

Or, if you are using a *real* "find" (i.e., Gnu find, which is what
Linux comes with), just

   % find -name "*.py"

> Find all .py files in the subtree at the current directory,
> which also contain the word "import":

> % find . -name "*.py" -exec grep import {} \; -print

This will be faster and easier to type:

   % find -name "*.py" | xargs grep import


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