how to calculate the size of sys.stdin?

Chris Gonnerman chris.gonnerman at
Wed Apr 11 19:10:46 EDT 2001

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Graham Guttocks" <graham_guttocks at>
Subject: how to calculate the size of sys.stdin?

> Greetings,
> Is there a way to calculate the size (in bytes) of sys.stdin?  I tried
> to use the "stat" module to accomplish this, but os.stat() seems to
> only accept the name of a file.  (i.e, the following doesn't work):
> import os,stat
> size = os.stat([stat.ST_SIZE]

What you want is os.fstat():

    size = os.fstat(sys.stdin.fileno())[stat.ST_SIZE]

but the result is likely to be meaningless if sys.stdin is
a terminal, pipe, socket, etc.

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