Natural Language Programming???

Ron Stephens rdsteph at
Mon Apr 9 19:10:53 EDT 2001

OK, a bit off topic, my apologies, but now that I have fallen head over
heals in love with Python, I am intrigued by all issues having to do
with very high level language programming and ease of learning and ease
of use. So I saw this today and am curious, even though it's not
available yet and isn't going be open source or free software any way.

Does anyone know if this Bob Brennan guy at is for real or is he a
crackpot?? He claims to have invented (patented, no less) a machine
level intelligence system using standard PC's that can be programmed in
English or any other natural language...he claims to have been a player
in early Intel and Microsoft days, now he's in Cambridge area of UK and
out to solve the world's IT brain power shortage....anyone ever heard of
him??? If anyone checks otu his companies web site, I'd like to knwo if
yout think he is a crackpot or not...

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