still wondering (was Re: Pep 245)
Grant Griffin
not.this at
Tue Apr 10 13:13:27 EDT 2001
In article <mailman.986882113.14693.python-list at>, "Tim says...
>[Grant Griffin]
>> ...
>> And I've wondered ever since. But Tim cleared that up recently when
>> he said that he had met Aahz. So that gives us two witnesses.
>> Note that I have never claimed to have met Tim.
Come to think of it, neither has Tim. So that makes two of you.
>Yet someone claiming to be me claimed to have met you, while I personally
>have never claimed we've never met, and indeed have never claimed that you've
>ever claimed to have met me. So I think Grant is going to have to settle for
>Guido's word on this -- provided he believes Guido exists.
I certainly do. But Mark Lutz and David Ascher?...well, I'm not so sure...
>However, the
>evidence for "Grant"'s existence isn't rich enough to sustain a cockroach,
Then maybe it's time for cockroaches to start reassessing their personal values.
As Thoreau said, a cockroach is rich in proportion to the number of things he
can afford to let alone.
>so I suggest we henceforth kindly ignore these taunts
>until he provides credible proof of corporeality.
I taunt, therefore I am. QED
(OK, that doesn't exactly prove "corporeality" (whatever _that_ is <wink>), but
mere "existance" is a hard enough thing to prove, so let's just leave it at
>i'm-told-89%-of-usenet-posters-are-actually-insects-ly y'rs - tim
Naw, they just look that way from the other side of the tube...
don't-believe-everything-tom-christiansen-tells-you-<wink>-ly y'rs
Grant R. Griffin g2 at
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Iowegian International Corporation
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