Python Interpreter Reentrancy?

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Sun Apr 22 11:53:57 EDT 2001

In article <p9r5etcf78818e4ofhu92b1hd5al8ohh5s at>,
Courageous  <jkraska1 at> wrote:
>What progress has been made on the reentrancy of the Python interpreter
>vice the "global interpreter lock"? Is it possible to run python code
>embedded in a C application with multiple concurrent OS threads, each
>running time-sliced parallel python scripts, or is that capability
>still in progress?

I'm not quite sure what you're asking for.  It's certainly the case that
multiple threads in a C application can call Python code, but each time
you call into Python, you need to acquire the GIL first (along with first
making sure that you've done all the proper initialization).  In theory,
you could give each thread its own Python interpreter, but that has not
been done in practice AFAIK (and would suck up a lot of memory).
                      --- Aahz  <*>  (Copyright 2001 by aahz at

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