Bind Return Key
Simon Brunning
SBrunning at
Thu Apr 26 04:14:32 EDT 2001
> From: ps54713 [SMTP:ps54713 at]
> I have a log on page where the user enters the username and password. It
> has an "OK" button which will allow the user to login once he clicks on
> it.
> But i also need to allow the user to use the return key from the
> keyboard instead of hitting the "OK" button
> Can anybody suggest how to bind the return key.
Are you using Tkinter? If so, then you are probably creating your 'OK'
button something like this:
OKButton = Button(commandFrame, text='OK', command=OKButtonClick)
With 'OKButtonClick' referring to the function that you want invoked when
the user clicks the OK button. If you want the return key to do the same
thing, you want to bind the '<Return>' event to the same function, which
will look something like this:
root.bind('<Return>', OKButtonClick)
In the above, I have bond this event for a widget called 'root' - you'll
need to experiment to find out which widget you need to bind it for.
htm> for an explanation of this from someone who knows whereof he speaks.
Whereof-one-cannot-speak-thereof-one-must-be-silent-ly y'rs,
Simon B.
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