First Python Script: Roman Numbers
Mark Pilgrim
f8dy at
Fri Apr 13 22:14:43 EDT 2001
in article 9b6pqv$1seu$1 at, Jim Dennis at
jimd at wrote on 4/13/01 8:01 AM:
> Here's my first Python script.
Welcome to the Python community!
> Way back when I was taking classes
> at a community college and learning Pascal, I got an assignment to
> convert numbers to roman numeral strings. After tangling with the
> various rules for a bit, I realized that I could actually eliminate
> most of the conditionals by using a more elegant list of tokens.
An excellent idea. I too have a small set of programs that I re-implement
in every new language. I like this one; I'll add it to my list.
That said, you're in for a real treat as you learn more and more about
Python. Python has many wonderful features, and supports lots of useful
programming patterns. In the spirit of teaching an obviously intelligent
newbie, I offer my version of (see below). You should also
(shameless plug alert) check out my free-as-in-beer online book, "Dive Into
And check out the code examples and discussion in the Python CookBook
and the Python Knowledge Base
Once the vultures^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hopinionated, intelligent critics on
comp.lang.python have picked this apart and optimized it a bit (as I'm sure
they can), I'll post the final version in the Python CookBook for posterity.
You're smart; why haven't you learned Python yet?
# Roman numeral conversion
# Copyright (c) 2001 Mark Pilgrim
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GPL-compatible Python 1.6.1 license:
# We'll be using regular expressions to match partial Roman numerals
# in fromRoman. Read all about regular expressions in Python here:
import re
# What we really want here is an ordered structure of related elements,
# so we're storing them in a tuple of tuples. Tuples are faster than
# lists but can be iterated through in the same manner, and they're
# perfect for static data structures like this. We do not want to
# use dictionaries for this, because dictionaries do not retain their
# defined order (mapping have no order).
# The re.compile stuff pre-compiles a regular expression that we'll
# use in fromRoman to detect any valid number of occurrences of each
# symbol as we scan through the Roman numeral.
rom = ( ('M', 1000, re.compile('^MM?M?')),
('CM', 900, re.compile('^CM')),
('D', 500, re.compile('^D')),
('CD', 400, re.compile('^CD')),
('C', 100, re.compile('^CC?C?')),
('XC', 90, re.compile('^XC')),
('L', 50, re.compile('^L')),
('XL', 40, re.compile('^XL')),
('X', 10, re.compile('^XX?X?')),
('IX', 9, re.compile('^IX')),
('V', 5, re.compile('^V')),
('IV', 4, re.compile('^IV')),
('I', 1, re.compile('^II?I?')))
def toRoman(n):
result = ""
# assert is a Python built-in that takes 2 arguments: an expression
# to evaluate, and an error message.
# If the expression evaluates to 0, '', [], (), {}, None, or any other
# false value, assert will raise an AssertionError with the given
# error message.
assert 0 < n < 4000, "number out of range (must be 1..3999)"
# We can quickly iterate through our data structure (a tuple of tuples)
# all pull out each value from each tuple in turn. Called
# "tuple unpacking" or "multi-variable assignment". See
for roman, arabic, pattern in rom:
while n >= arabic:
# Python 2.0 supports augmented assignment, and it's
# faster than doing result = result + roman.
result += roman
n -= arabic
return result
def fromRoman(s):
result = 0
# We'll be munging s as we scan through it, so save the original version
# for error reporting later.
original = s
# Python 2.0 supports string methods. In earlier versions, you would
# do this instead:
# import string
# s = string.upper(s)
s = s.upper()
for roman, arabic, pattern in rom:
# pattern is the pre-compiled regular expression pattern,
# which has methods to search a given string for the
# regular expression the pattern was compiled with.
match =
# If the regular expression engine found a match,
# the search method returns a MatchObject, otherwise
# it returns None. None is a false value in Python,
# but a MatchObject (and almost any other class instance)
# is true, so we can just say "if match:" here instead of
# "if match <> None:" or some other more verbose incarnation.
if match:
# The magic starts here. If we found a match,
# what we found was 1 or more occurrences of the
# same Roman numeral digit ("M", or "CM", or "D", or
# whatever) in our data structure. That means that
# the arabic value of this found fragment is the
# arabic value of a single digit * the number of
# digits found. gives us the found
# fragment, but the length of that string may not
# be the number of digits found because individual
# Roman digits can be more than 1 character (e.g. "CM").
# So the total arabic value is the arabic value of the
# digit, times the character length of the found fragment,
# divided by the character length of the digit.
lenmatch = len(
result += arabic * lenmatch / len(roman)
# Now hack the processed part off the beginning of
# the string and continue.
s = s[lenmatch:]
# 1. If s has anything left, that means the Roman numeral was
# because otherwise our regular expressions would have caught it. This
# depends on the fact that Roman numerals have to use the highest digits
# possible, and our data structure was ordered from highest to lowest.
# 2. locals() is a function that returns a dictionary of local
# with keys being the variable names as strings and values being the
# actual variables' values. See
# 3. The %(original)s is dictionary-based string formatting;
# it gets replaced by the value of the 'original' key in the given
# dictionary; since the given dictionary is a dictionary of local
# variables, this effectively inserts the value of <original> into
# the string. See
assert s == '', "invalid Roman numeral: %(original)s" % locals()
return result
def test():
# If you're serious about unit testing, check out PyUnit, which will be
# part of the standard library in Python 2.1:
# Test all the good values. range is a built-in Python function that
# returns a list of integers starting with the first parameter and
# up to but not including the second parameter. This is akin to
# for (n=1; n<4000; n++) { ... } in C.
for n in range(1, 4000):
s = toRoman(n)
fullcircle = fromRoman(s)
assert n == fullcircle, 'FAILED: %(n)d --> %(s)s --> %(fullcircle)s'
% locals()
# Test some bad values for the arabic --> Roman conversion.
# We expect the function to raise an AssertionError, so we
# explicitly catch that; if toRoman doesn't raise an exception,
# we treat that as an error and raise our own expection in response.
# For more on exceptions, see
# Note that we're calling a function which is returning a result,
# but we're never assigning the result to anything. That's OK;
# Python will just swallow the result and continue without error.
for n in (4000, 0, -1):
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError, "FAILED: toRoman(%(n)d) should have failed
but didn't" % locals()
# Test some bad values for the Roman --> arabic conversion.
for s in ('MMMM', 'CMCM', 'DD', 'CDCD', 'CCCC', 'XCXC', 'LL', 'XLXL',
'IXIX', 'VV', 'IVIV', 'IIII', 'IIMXCC', 'CMM'):
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError, "FAILED: fromRoman('%(s)s') should have
failed but didn't" % locals()
# If we got this far, every test passed (otherwise we would have
# raised an exception by now, or one of the functions we called would
# have raised one and we intentionally wouldn't have caught it,
# so we'd never get here).
print "Test suite completed successfully."
# This is a standard trick in Python. If this script is imported by another
# module, this module's __main__ attribute will be some descriptive value
# (generally the filename minus the .py extension). But if the script is
# run by itself from the command line (or through an IDE), the module's
# __name__ attribute will be a special value, "__main__". We can use this
# discrepancy to our advantage and define a test suite that will only run
# when the script is run by itself; the test suite will be completely
# when the module is imported by another module. See
if __name__ == "__main__":
#---end of
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