simple example of mimelib? and embedding (not attaching) images in email sent with python.

Richard Jones richard at
Tue Aug 14 20:45:53 EDT 2001

On Wednesday 15 August 2001 09:43, Jeff Shannon wrote:
> It is true that the current Python std library, as I've seen it (I work
> with 2.0), doesn't have much high-level support for MIME and email.  I
> haven't looked at the forthcoming Mimelib, yet, however, so I can't answer
> as to how well that package addresses the current weaknesses.  I have,
> however, cobbled together a usable "outbox" utility that allows me to
> easily send email, with MIME attachments, based on text-file contents. 
> It's not all *that* difficult, really.

I've made extensive use of python's mime libraries in several projects. 
There's a bit of an initial learning jump, but once you're there, I've found 
it to be quite good for both reading and writing MIME data. My major gripes 

  1. the documentation for mimetools needs a good, simple example of creating 
a message, like:

    buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
    m = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(buffer)
    m.addheader('Subject', "This is a MIME example")
    for name, data, type, encoding in data_list:
        sub = m.nextpart()
        sub.addheader('Content-Description', name)
        if encoding == 'base64':
            data = binascii.b2a_base64(data)
            sub.addheader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64')
        f = sub.startbody(type, [('name', name)])
    message = buffer.getvalue()
    smtp = smtplib.SMTP('')
    smtp.sendmail('sender at', ['recipient at'], message)

where data_list is a list of tuples containing:

   . description of the data
   . data to send
   . mime type (eg 'text/plain', 'image/png')
   . encoding of part (eg '', 'base64')

  2. mimetools.Message doesn't currently have a getPart() method to simply 
extract a part from the message object. I've got a simple patch submitted to 
fix this though.

  3. MimeWriter doesn't offer the ability to post to HTTP - it isn't capable 
of producing the Content-Length header. That's going to be hard to fix 
though, in the current file-oriented framework.


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