sleep command/function & searching the python docs

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Wed Aug 1 09:30:16 EDT 2001

"Skip Montanaro" <skip at> wrote in message
news:mailman.996601079.13064.python-list at
>     >>> ... is there any way to search the Python docs for a specific
>     >>> function/module etc? Or is there any resource on the web that
>     >>> provides a searchable interface?
>     Rajarshi> Another post in this thread mentioned -
>     Rajarshi> looks pretty useful
> I tried finding getopt there by searching for "argument", "parsing" or
> "option".  It was tough to find getopt in the results it returned.

Searching for
    argument and parsing and option
in the .CHM form of Python's docs returns 6.18 getopt as the
second of 35 hits (sorted by decreasing relevance).

> Alas, Google, my favorite search engine, doesn't allow you to restrict
> results to specific sections of a site.  On Alta Vista (and probably a
> number of other search engines as well) you can search for something like
>     options
> to restrict searches for "options" to the current library reference

True, but searching for
    argument parsing options
with Google is still rather helpful, with
as hit number 5 (that post, in turn, has helpful pointers).

It WOULD be very nice and Google-friendly if Python's current
docs in particular could be accessed as URL!!!


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