What Are Some Good Projects For Novices?

phil hunt philh at comuno.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Aug 20 09:08:19 EDT 2001

On 19 Aug 2001 12:59:44 -0700, Paul Rubin <phr-n2001 at nightsong.com> wrote:
>polopunk209 at hotmail.com (Josh) writes:
>> I want to work with PyGAME. But, I know I need to spend a little more
>> time with some simple Python programs. But, I have no idea what would
>> be a good program for a novice to work on. This isn't helped by the
>> fact that the only need I really have for a computer at this point in
>> my life is entertainment. Anyway, what do you guys think are some good
>> problems for a novice such as myself to tackle? Thanks for your
>> suggestions.
>I'd say get a good introductory programming book and work on some
>problems that interest you.  For games, you might start out writing
>some simple text-based games like "guess the animal": you think of
>an animal and the computer asks (your answers start with >>>):
>   -- Does it fly?
>   >>> no
>   -- Does it have tusks?
>   >>> yes
>   -- My guess: it's an elephant.  Is that right?
>   >>> no
>   -- OK, what is it?
>   >>> a walrus
>   -- What's a yes/no question that lets me tell a walrus from an elephant
>   >>> does it swim?
>   -- What's the answer to 'does it swim?' for 'a walrus'?
>   >>> yes
>When you teach the program a new animal, it remembers the animal and
>the new question in a disk file for next time.

I agree with this. The "Animals Game" is a good 1st program to write in a
new programming language whenever you learn one.

It's complex enough to test your knowledge of the language, and
simple enough to be written quickly.

*** Philip Hunt *** philh at comuno.freeserve.co.uk ***
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