MatPy win32 question (cephes.pyd)

Karl M. Syring syring at
Sat Aug 11 01:37:05 EDT 2001

"W. Jarrett Campbell" <jarrett at> schrieb
> I'm trying to get MatPy running on my win32 Python 2.1 installation.  I've
> gone through and installed all the prerequisites per the documentation but
> I'm having some trouble running the tests.  My issue seems to be around
> use of cephes.pyd.  The version that I have downloaded requires
> but I'm running python 2.1.  I downloaded python15.dll and put it in my
> but when cephes tries to access it, I get a message saying :
> E:\Python21\MatPy\tests>python
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 9, in ?
>     from MatPy.mfuncs import expm, logm, sqrtm
>   File "e:\python21\MatPy\", line 1, in ?
>     import SpecialFuncs
>   File "e:\python21\", line 1, in ?
>     from cephes import *
> ImportError: Module use of python15.dll conflicts with this version of
> Python.
> E:\Python21\MatPy\tests>
> Is there a cephes.pyd built for Python 2.1 on win32 systems that I can
> download?  Any other suggestions?

You can get my version of cephes.pyd from

Karl M. Syring

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