Probably a stupid question... name-->method lookup

Mark Jackson mjackson at
Sat Aug 25 11:03:58 EDT 2001

xaahz at (Aahz Maruch) writes:
> In article <9m1n6p$bs0c8$1 at>,
> Emile van Sebille <emile at> wrote:
> >
> >new mantra:  If you want to know the right way to do something, post a
> >response showing the wrong way to do it.  - Always works.  ;-)
> Yes.  Here's my standard quote on the subject:
>     The best way to get information on Usenet is not to ask a question, but
>     to post the wrong information.  --Aahz
> Some people refer to that as Aahz's Law.  ;-)

Note that Aahz's Law does not necessarily imply van Sebille's Mantra;
more explicitly:

    The best way to get information (which may or may not include
    correct information) on Usenet is not to ask a question, but to post
    the wrong information.

Mark Jackson -
	Don't talk to the crazy people on the street, even though
	they may seem fun to be with.
	    - /CityPack, New York/ Chinese language edition (1996)

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