Is it new style or just lack of style?

Joal Heagney s713221 at
Fri Aug 10 06:16:35 EDT 2001

Markus Schaber wrote:
> Hi,
> Roman Suzi <rnd at> schrub:
> > More and more I am starting to see people adding extra
> > blanks in ( ).
> > [...]
> > Any ideas?
> I usually use (a, b, c) - means spaces only after the commas.
> In C / Java, I use spaces after if (), while () etc., but don't put one
> after a function().
> Inside the parenthesis, I sometimes add some spaces when there are
> multiple levels of ()s:
> if ( (a>b) && (b>c) )
> if (( (a>b) && (b>c) ) || (something != else))
> I don't use any rules for this - I just try to keep it readable in my
> own eyes :-)
> markus
> --
> Defend democrathy and freedom!

And personally I prefer reading this and other informal whitespace
styles. One of the big hassles I have as a yellow-belt pythoneer is
trying to decode somebody else's multiple layers of unbroken (()),
especially if I happen to use a non-syntax-highlighting

(((((), ((), ()), ((())), ()))))-ly yr's
      Joal Heagney is: _____           _____
   /\ _     __   __ _    |     | _  ___  |
  /__\|\  ||   ||__ |\  || |___|/_\|___] |
 /    \ \_||__ ||___| \_|! |   |   \   \ !

PS: The sad thing is that I dropped the above sign-off into a python
interpreter to ensure that I'd got the number of braces and commas
right. *sighs*

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