Adding print-style function calls, and preproc plugins

Gerson Kurz Gerson.Kurz at
Thu Aug 30 13:38:08 EDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven D. Majewski [mailto:sdm7g at Virginia.EDU]
> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 5:21 PM
> To: Gerson Kurz
> Cc: python-list at
> Subject: Re: Adding print-style function calls, and preproc plugins

> What does:
> 	"e1 e2 e3 e4 e5"
> mean when more than one of those e's is a function ?
> Can you tell which ones represent function calls if you don't
> know the value of all of the e's ?

Well please remember what my original intent was: writing my own print
function - er - statement. So, is "print e2 e3 e4 e5" a valid statement ?
No. Is "print e2,e3,e4,e5" ambiguous ? No. So what is the problem?

I was quite astonished about how strongly people seemed to react to that
idea. Please, my problem was that I had to modify print's behaviour, and
couldn't do so, because by going from "print" to a function, you have to
enclose the arguments in brackets.

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